Tamariki Ora | Well Child

Tamariki Ora | Well Child

This service is available to all whānau with pepi under the age of five years.  Our team of a registered nurse and kai awhina provide support and advice to whānau to help with the growth and development of your tamaiti.

To access this service, you can either call our office on (07) 878 0028 or be referred by a GP/ mid-wife/other health support workers.

Our services include:

–  Immunisation education 

–  Health education 

–   SUDI information 

–  Vision and hearing

–   Breastfeeding

–  Health and development assessments 

–   Parenting

–  Care and support for families and whānau 

–   Well child core checks – undertaken when the child reaches the following ages: –

·        8–10 weeks 

·        3–4 months

·        5–7 months

·        9–12 months 

·        15–18 months

·        2–3 years

Well child core checks aim to ensure our tamariki are growing and developing well.  We also provide you an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have with your tamaiti.

Ngāti Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust