Ko Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Owhawhe te maunga
Ko Ngāti Uekaha te hapū
Ko Waitomo te awa
Ko Pōhatuiri te Pā
- Ngā Tapuwae Road, R.D.8, Te Kūiti
- Google Maps
- Marae Chairperson- Clary Iti
Ko Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Owhawhe te maunga
Ko Ngāti Uekaha te hapū
Ko Waitomo te awa
Ko Pōhatuiri te Pā
Mīria Tauariki
Miiria has been a keen supporter of the Trust for many years and has provided guidance for the Trust over the year in matters of tikanga and kawa o Maniapoto.