Te Ahoroa Marae

Ko Rereahu te tupuna

Ko Maniapoto te iwi

Ko Waiwaia te taniwha

Ko Rangitoto te maunga

Ko Ngāti Pare, Paretapoto me Ngāti Rereahu ngā hapū

Ko Waipa te awa

Ko Te Pairu te whare tupuna

Ko Tarapiko te kaitiaki

Ko Te Ahoroa te Marae

Ngāti Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust


Ann-Maria Tainui-Vine

Ann-Maria considers it a privilege to represent her marae on the trust and brings with her extensive knowledge in governance and management skills. She is very passionate about helping our people and believes in the vision of the trust of contributing to our whānau cultural, social and economic development and well-being.

Ngāti Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust